Below we have provided the direct links for jntuk b. Jawaharlal nehru technological university jntu, kakinada was set up in 1946 as a public university. Jntu kakinada r07,r10 results from 1st year to final year by semester wise jntu kakinada b. We have gathered all the materials of syllabus for all regulations and courses. Tech 11 semester syllabus books for r16 regulation all branches download provided by the jntuk kakinada university. Jntuk btech 1st year books free download download jntuk btech 1st year books in pdf format. Tech 22 regularsupplementary examination was conducted in april 2020 the examination and results of jntuk b. Tech 42 result for regularsupplementary r, r10,r07 regulation are conducted and announced by the jntu kakinada university.
Subscribe to jntu forum whatsapp after filling below form, complete the registration process by saving 9052271117 on your phone contact list as select university jntu anantapur jntu hyderabad jntu kakinada. Students who are studying in any of jawaharlal nehru technological university, kakinada affiliated colleges and looking for jntuk syllabus books for r regulation of b. Jntuk syllabus books 2018 pdf download all regulations. Click on the respective yearsemesterbranch to get the text books. Jntuh syllabus books for r18, r16, r15, r, r19 regulation. Engineering mathematics vol ii jntu kakinada by dr. We uploaded all the btech syllabus books of jntu kakinada jawaharlal nehru technological university university. Tech r course structure and syllabus for all branches. Students are requested to go through the syllabus book and prepare plans for the semester.
Tech r syllabus books is provided here where the students can select their respective branches and download the syllabus book as per their semester wise. Jawaharlal nehru technological university hyderabad mathematics i b. Jntuk syllabus books 2018 pdf download all regulations rr. Jntuh syllabus books r18, r16, r15, r19 below we have listed latest prescribed jntu hyderabad syllabus books for all branches and we have listed it in pdf format. Listed below are coursewise and semester wise jntuk syllabus books, which contains the most updated and recently announced resources.
Pharmacy 4th year 1st sem r10,r07 adv supply feb 2015 exam results jntu anantapur. Tech 22 result for regularsupplementary r, r10, r07 regulation are conducted and announced by the jntu kakinada university. Jntuk syllabus books 2018 pdf download all regulations rr, r07, r09, r10, r, r16. Tech 2nd 3rd year r09 syllabus books all branches 21 31 syllabus cse ece eee it mech civil bt jntu results notifications jntu home. Jntua has released the syllabus books for 42 pursuing. Tech r19 regulation 1,2,3,4th years course structure and syllabus all branches. This article covers most of the syllabus of jntuk 1st year students, who belong to mechanical, civil, electronics and communications, electrical and electronics, computer science and it engineering. Tech syllabus books for r16r19 regulations jobengg. The earlier editions have received positive response from the teachers and the students. Jntuk syllabus books pdf free download for all branches. Syllabus for 2nd year first sem cse jntu kakinada answers. Jntu kakinada syllabus for r19, r16, r regulations. Studying hr and finance is useful for the development of their careers. Tech 1st year syllabus books, then you are at the right website to download.
So, all branches eee, ece, cse civil, mech, etc students can simply download the jntu kakinada b. In mba we have various specializations like human resources, finance, and marketing etc. The syllabus book is also included with all other essential information such as subjects, lab topics, units and many. Jntuk released the new syllabus for r16 regulation. Cprogramming and data structures 1st year question papers 2012 20 2014. Jntu kakinada r07,r10 results from 1st year to final year. So, all the students who had backlogs in the 1st year those candidates can utilize this opportunity.
Chemistry 1st year jntu world question papers 2012 20 2014. Jntu hyd syllabus books r09,r07,r05 all branches indian shouta blog for everyone. Jntuk r syllabus books pdf free download subject wise. The power pr returning to the receiving antenna is given by the radar equation. Basic definitions of sequences and series convergences and divergence ratio test comparison test integral test cauchys root test. Latest news on student zone jntu forum jntu updates. You can get the complete syllabus for first year 1st semester syllabus books of all engineering branches on this page. All the dead links will be replaced with new links in a week. The last date for submission of ap eamcet 2020 application form has been extended by jntu kakinada until may 7. Tech syllabus books for all branches available for free download. Jntuk r10 1st year syllabus of 1st and 2nd semester. Tech 32 geotechnical engineeringi r16 regular and supplementary examinations previous questions papers.
Jawaharlal nehru technological university anantapur is known as jntua. Along with syllabus we provide the semester wise academic calendar on this spot. Jntu, kakinada at the time of its establishment was known as the college of engineering, visakhapatnam. Pharmacy and other courses you may follow our site for direct download links with free of cost. Tech r19 regulation course structure and syllabus all branches have been released by jntuk university. Jntuk students can easily find all semester jntuk syllabus books 2018 on our site. Tech 42 regularsupplementary exam are eagerly waiting. Jntuk course books 2018 page is for all jntu kakinada students. Jntu hyd ece 31 r09 syllabus jntu hyd eee 31 r09 syllabus. Recently, jntuk has issued the examination fee notices for the second semester. You can simply download the respective syllabus books from below links. Tech 22 result 2020 regularsupplementary are available on this page.
Rfid tecnology in jntu hyd certification to reduce fake certificates. Tech r10 syllabus books free download of jntuk syllabus books download the given jntu syllabus books download for ece,eee,eie,mech,cse,it and many branches syllabus books for all semester has given bellow the following syllabus books are very usefull to the all branches and given syllabus books are detailed to clearly understand every syllabus books. Home forums university zone jntu kakinada jntuk syllabus university updates mobile apps to get instant updatesalerts. Tech has newly provided the syllabus books for r16 regulation. Only r07 regulation students can apply for this notification. The syllabus books gives the complete information about all the engineering subjects along with the lab practicals. By admin jntu kakinada, previous question papers, ssc may 10, 2020 may 10, 2020 leave a comment here you can download jntuk b. Tech 11 semester syllabus books for r16 regulation all branches download. Tech r19 regulation course structure and syllabus all branches can download here from below links. Tech 42 regularsupplementary examination was conducted in april 2020 the examination and results of jntuk b. Pharmacy r09 syllabus books all semisters jntu forum. Tech eee 22 previous question papers r16, r all subjects download by admin jntu kakinada, previous question papers april 29, 2020 april 29, 2020. In smartzworld,here you can find all the jntuk syllabus books of 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year students belongs to different branch of b. Discussion in syllabus started by updates4u, aug 20, 2016.
1278 86 355 774 564 316 1152 124 340 29 418 1078 247 193 772 83 740 1179 798 865 241 539 609 437 163 759 1092 745 4 1350 594 1362 375 69 1157 1068 1130 469 251 1163 801 1154